
R&D / Patents

No research without action, no action without research, we believe in innovation, that's how we grow.

Research and Development

Inhouse R&D team has adopted agile and resilient approach to discover and design solutions with a divergent mindset and convergent teamwork. Below mentioned are the core pillars that drives our power house.


Innovation & Creativity


Customer Centric Design Approach


Adavnce Tech Implementation


Solar DG Micro Grid System.

Applicant/ Inventor - Dr. V. T. Ingole, Mr. Amit Arokar

Acknowledge Based Wireless Traffic Control Signal Sequencer.

Applicant/ Inventor Mr. Amit Arokar, Mr. Aniket Tondare, Mr. Suraj Gawande

Refined Light Trapping Technique using 3-Dimensional Globule Structured Solar Cell.

Applicant/ Inventor - Mr. Suraj Gawande

Travel Water Bottle Chiller with antibacterial effect.

Applicant/ Inventor - Mr. Suraj Gawande

Wireless Chess.

Applicant/ Inventor - Mr. Aniket Tondare

Front end Vehicular Collision Avoidance System.

Applicant/ Inventor - Mr. Aniket Tondare
